Plate wins 4 out of 12 categories in G2 Summer Report
Johannes Baas

Johannes Baas

Plate wins 4 out of 12 categories in G2 Summer Report

Every quarter, we at Plate eagerly await the G2 report. This report assesses the tens of thousands of reviews coming in on G2 in various categories and highlights the most notable outcomes.

Plate has now been part of the "Web Content Management Systems" category for a year and a half along with some 70 other CMSs (traditional, decoupled and headless). On June 22, the Summer Edition of G2 was released and you can find the highlights below.

Plate as number one within 4 out of 12 parts

The "Web Content Management Systems" category is divided into a number of sections. The features listed below are tested across all CMSs in the category:

  • SEO
  • Customization
  • Content Scheduling
  • Enterprise Scalability
  • Branding/Themes
  • Approval Process
  • Breadth of Pre-Built Templates
  • Mobile
  • User Community
  • Plug-ins/Widgets/Apps

Out of these 12 categories, Plate took 1st place in the 'Small / Medium Businesses' segment no less than within 4 categories. There is no other CMS that scores higher than Plate on Breadth of Pre-Build Templates, Branding/Themes, Mobile and Dashboards and Reports. We see this rating as a culmination of all the time and energy we put into the 'theme engine' and modularity of templates and sites.


G2 High Performer

We have been scoring Plate 3 badges since the fall of 2021, and we are also prolonging the "High Performer" title in the summer edition of 2022. These three parts are:

  • High Performer Web Content Management Systems
  • High Performer Small Business
  • High Performer Europe

With full ambition to the Autumn Reports

Are we happy with these results? Yes indeed, Plate is again among the 20 highest-rated CMSs worldwide and with the category wins we are also very pleased.

Do we want more? The answer to that too is 'Yes'. Where we see that we are now scoring strongly in the 'Small Medium' segment, we want to strengthen our position in the 'Mid Market' in 3 months time.

We are currently rolling out several (international) multisites for organizations with 50+ employees, and we can't wait to ask these customers for their opinions on using Plate.

Want to know more about Plate?

Don't know Plate (well) yet? On our YouTube channel you will find interesting video content about Plate and how we make Content Management and Content Experience more fun and manageable. Would you like a demo of Plate? Send us a message and we are happy to make an appointment, online or face2face, just what you want.

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