Interview in the Dutch media
Kobus Post

Kobus Post

Interview in the Dutch media

Today Plate is featured in an interview in "Het Financiele Dagblad" in the publication 'The future of the economy'. You can read the interview below.

Data is at the core of digital transformation

The customer journey nowadays runs through several applications. You do a search, you go to a website, you download an app, you might download something there, and then from the website a marketing campaign is started that eventually persuades you to buy something. In this process, a lot of data is collected, but many companies do not yet know how to monetise this data.

"Data about customers is collected in many different places," says Pieter Versloot, co-founder of Plate. "For many companies it is therefore difficult to keep an overview and to get real insights. What you really want is a single-source-of-truth, where the customer has a uniform experience, right through the use of multiple, different touchpoints. That is extremely important for companies, because only when you have that overview can you convert data into insights and sales opportunities.

In addition, this data is also becoming increasingly complex, Versloot explains. "The digital transformation is going faster than ever. Besides a website, most people also want a webshop, because buying in the shop is suddenly no longer possible. Companies that used to focus only on B2B are now also looking at B2C and vice versa. This requires completely different models and insights and leads to fiercer competition. To distinguish yourself in the market, you either have to focus on prices or on personalisation. The latter requires an adaptive platform with which you deliver content to the right target group via the right channels in the best possible way.

That platform has to be rock solid, Versloot says. "At Plate we always compare it to a plate. The emphasis is never on the plate itself, but on the dish that is presented on it. However, the plate is essential for your (taste) experience. It's the same with the platform you choose for your content strategy. It has to be solid, accessible and safe, and it has to offer possibilities to deliver the right content to your different target groups. That way, your company or organisation can offer the optimal digital experience."

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