Why you as a website developer should consider a different CMS
Pieter Versloot

Pieter Versloot

Why you as a website developer should consider a different CMS

You are a website developer or have a creative agency and have been working with a CMS for some time, why should you reconsider the choice for that CMS for some time, why should you reconsider the choice for that CMS? This is a question that Plate regularly poses to us. With the dozens of Plate partners we have weekly contact with, it is a continuous search for the added value of Plate for website developers. In this article, we give you several reasons why you should reconsider your choice for a CMS - probably Wordpress.

Everyone is becoming more demanding

In the year 2020, you as a creative agency are busy with all kinds of developments of which your clients had no idea a few years ago. That a high ranking in Google is important, HTTPS and mobile first design is the standard and a website must have a lightning fast PageSpeed.


In addition, your customers want to manage their website independently and keep it secure, without any technical knowledge. Does maintaining and updating your customers' websites cost you more and more time? Then it's time to consider another CMS. A CMS in which most of your customers' challenges and requirements have already been incorporated. So that you can get back to doing what you love: creating great websites.

Plate als alternatief voor Wordpress

What is the relationship between backend and frontend?

Perhaps you have never thought about this question, especially if your business is still in its first phase. Your current customer base may not have too many questions and requirements. But as you grow, you will face more and more difficult questions and you might need to invest in senior developers, who can solve difficult problems with plugins, website speed, multisite configuration and more.

In your competitor's case, when you have created 50 to 60 websites, you usually need one person to deal with technical questions, finding the right plugins, updating the individual websites and other challenges. So with those 60 websites you need to earn back the salary of this employee and that can be quite a challenge.

Save on personnel costs with Plate

Save on staff costs and develop your websites on Plate. We take care of all the technical ballast that you don't want to deal with. The advantage is that you know what you can promise your customers: a high PageSpeed score (100 is possible!), security is key, user management is super easy and there is a strong company behind you that keeps developing and wants to grow with you.

Handknip Icoon Plate

An important advantage of Plate is that you can always call and email us. Not sure what to do? Then you can go to our Plate Partner Slack. Here we, or one of our partners, will usually respond to your question within a few minutes with a ready-made answer or a link to an article with explanation. And with Plate you have another advantage: super comprehensive documentation on all levels; from API to website building and user management. So you never have to search for information again.

More info about Plate for Creative Agencies

Which way do you want to develop?

Look beyond today. And discover how you can work easier and better with Plate. Check out all the features we offer, or request a customised demo online. This might just be the step towards a growth-ready future! Let's call to make an appointment.

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